Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Organisational Performance of Medium Enterprises

Nafiu I. BADIRU1, Oluwafemi H. OYEDEPO 2, John O. ADEBAYO3,
3Nigeria. johnadebs2@gmail.com
Badiru, N. I., Oyedepo, O. H., Adebayo, J. O. (2023). Entrepreneurial Characteristics and Organisational Performance of Medium Enterprises. Izvestiya. Journal of Economics, Management and Informatics, 67 (1), p. 5 – 23. https://doi.org/10.56065/IJUEV2023.67.1.5
This study aims to determine the mechanisms by which entrepreneurial characteristics impact the organisational performance of Medium Enterprises (ME) in South-West, Nigeria. This study surveyed 370 owners/managers of MEs across the six states of South-West, Nigeria, using quantitative methods. And data were collected and analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The empirical data reveal that creativity impacted organisational innovativeness; competitive aggressiveness influences organisational innovativeness; and creativity and competitive aggressiveness collectively impacted the organisational innovativeness. Hence, the study concluded that the entrepreneurial characteristics dimension, specifically, creativity and competitive aggressiveness individually and collectively enhanced organisational innovativeness of MEs in South-West, Nigeria.
Keywords: Competitive Aggressiveness, Creativity, Entrepreneurial Characteristics, Medium Enterprises Performance, Organisational Innovativeness
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